
Here's a quick glance at how long some of the symptoms or restrictions lasted in my case. Keep in mind that this might be different for you, but I thought it would be nice to give you an idea of what to expect. I'll update it as my recovery progress, but don't hesitate to comment if there's something you think is missing!


Constant jaw pain
Day 0 - 5
Sore/scratchy throat
Day 0 - 4
Day 0 - 5
Nose bleeds (when bending forward)
Day 0 - 2
Swelling (looked “normal” by day 12)
Day 0 - Month 7
Numbness (lower lip, chin, gums)
Day 0 - Ongoing (85% normal)
Surgery-Related Fatigue
Day 0 - Week 5
Day 0 - 7
Day 0 - 5
Heart racing (when standing)*
Day 0 - 7
Day 0 - 7
Blurry vision
Day 0 - 4
Brain fog
Day 0 - 7
Cheek bruising
Day 1 - 26
Throat muscles soreness
Day 7 - 14
Difficulty falling asleep
Day 0 - 14
Difficulty staying asleep
Day 0 - 19
Jaw spasms/jerks
Day 2 - 13
Jaw spasm/jerks (2nd round)
Day 17 - 24
Weight loss
Day 0 - 10
Insanely oily face
Day 0 - 21
Joint/ear pain (when lying down)
Day 0 - 19
Depression feeling in morning
Day 8 - 11
* This lasted longer because I was not eating enough. Once I started force feeding myself, it went away in about 2 days.


Clear liquid diet
Day 0 - 2
Liquid/blended diet
Day 2 - 30
Soft food diet
Month 1 - 2
Limited diet
Month 2 - 5
Unlimited diet
Month 5
No talking
Day 0 - 10
Sleeping 30° angle**
Day 0 - 10
Using toothbrush/waterpik
Day 2
No nose blowing
Day 0 - 14
**Although I was cleared to sleep in any position I wanted, it still hurt my jaw joints/ears to sleep flat on my back/side until about day 19.


First bowel movement
Day 3
First shower
Day 6
First outing
Day 8
Appetite returns
Day 7
First loosening of bands
Day 9
First mouth opening
Day 9
First stitches falling
Day 9
All stitches gone
Day 20
First drink w/ a cup (some pain)
Day 4
Return to normal weight
Day 10
First sneeze
Day 14
Able to sleep flat/on side
Day 18
First use of a spoon
Day 28
First chew
Day 32

Total weight loss
9 lbs
Peak weight loss
Day 5
Peak swelling
Day 2

Day 0 - 6
Day 0 - 8
Antibiotics (only at hospital)
Day 0 - 1
Steroids (only at hospital)
Day 0 - 1
***I probably only took 2-3 doses once out of the hospital, when needed. I wasn’t in too much pain, and I only took Toradol and Tylenol, no Oxycodone once at home, even though I had a prescription for it.

Surgeon visits
Day 1
Cleaned nose.
Day 2
Cleaned nose, removed some bands.
Day 5
Cleaned nose.
Day 9
Cleaned nose, removed some bands, opened mouth a bit.
Day 16
Opened mouth more, changed bands for much looser ones.
Day 23
Opened mouth, removed two bands towards the back and used looser ones. Only two bands remain towards the front.
Day 26
Cleared to start chewing very soft food in 4 days. Cleared to remove bands (only keep them on at night). Changed bands for looser ones. Cleared to see orthodontist in 2 weeks.
Week 6
No changes. Mostly confirmed that everything is looking nice and healing well. Still on soft diet for another month.
Month 2
Confirmed everything is looking nice and healing well. Cleared to eat “harder” food like chicken and soft bread. Still restricted diet.
Month 3
Confirmed everything is looking nice and healing well. Cleared to being stretching. Cleared to eat everything except chew-intensive food like bagels, jerky, etc.
Month 5
Confirmed everything is looking nice and healing well. Cleared to eat anything except food restricted by orthodontist (hard candy, almonds, popcorn, etc.). Next appointment after braces are removed.
Month 9
Made an appointment for joint popping/cracking. Evaluated joint popping by having me open and close with the surgeon's fingers on my joints. Advised to be patient and come back if it gets worse.
One Year
One-year and post-braces appointment. Answered questions. Evaluated left joint pain by having me open and close with the surgeon's fingers on my joints. Advised to take 600mg ibuprofen for 3 weeks and come back in a month.

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