Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Week 7.5

A little midweek update: I got the results of my complete blood count, and everything looks fine except that my hemoglobin is, to quote my doctor, "slightly low." He doesn't think that it's low enough to be causing my fatigue, so I'm back to feeling discouraged about this whole thing.

Although, to be honest, I'm really doubting the opinion of my doctor. My iron is low, my ferritin is low and my hemoglobin is low. Aren't all these signs pointing to a huge, red ANEMIC flag? My hemoglobin is 11.8 g/dl, while the normal range is 12.0 - 15.5 g/dl. I know it's not that far from 12.0, but the normal range is pretty slim, so it feels like even a 0.2 drop below normal would be significant. Plus, if I compare it to past results, I was always around 13.5 in the past 5 years. That seems like an important drop too, doesn't it?

I don't know what to think. Am I hanging on to the anemia diagnosis just because I don't want to consider the fact that the surgery didn't fix my fatigue, or do I have good reasons to doubt my doctor's opinion? I guess I'll keep taking the iron supplements and hope for the best...

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