Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Day 6

Day 6 started out better than the past few days. We got right on to eating as soon as I woke up. I chugged Joylent all day, reminding myself that it would make me feel better, even if it wasn't fun to force feed myself. I was definitely struggling with nausea, but the Zofran was helping a lot.

My husband went back to Jamba Juice because they had so many calories and tasted pretty good. This time, I had a large Orange Dream Machine. It tasted really good, but it made my stomach sour because of all the acid in the orange juice. I wouldn't recommend it if your stomach is sensitive after the surgery. I splurged and had another Jamba Juice at night, this time trying Apple Spiced Cheer. It was definitely my favorite out of all the Jamba Juices I tried. So good, apple-y and cinnamon-y. Yum!

I swear I'm not sponsored by Jamba Juice. Although I wish I were; I could go for another Apple Spiced Cheer right now...
I started talking walks to the roof again and tried sitting at my desk to work on my Christmas cards once again, but I still needed to lay down after 20 minutes. It was kind of frustrating, but I couldn't rush things too much.

I did manage to take my first shower after the surgery. Seven whole days without showering. I know, it's gross! But I just didn't have the strenght. I hurried up, soaping up my body and my hair and rinsing quickly. I still felt woozy so I didn't want to push it. I felt great afterwards though. Clean and refreshed!

Swelling was pretty close to the day before, not much change in that regard.

Looking almost normal, but there is still a LOT of swelling on the top of my cheeks.

I haven't talked about the numb areas on my face, but they just haven't changed much. It's exactly the same as day 0. I do something feel these tiny little "tremors" in my bottom lip, and sometimes if I think about my chin and how it's numb, I start feeling like there's electricity running through the skin and it's annoying. Other than that, not much to report on that front!

The numb area of my face.

I still had problems sleeping, mostly because finding a good position to sleep in without jaw pain is difficult, but also because I still have those violent jerking motions of my jaw every time I'm falling asleep. At least when I do sleep, I'm not longer having weirdly vivid dreams, and I'm able to sleep deeper. I even slept through the garbage truck in the morning! Amazing.

One scary thing that happened, and I think it's because of the anxiety coupled with all the Zofran I had been taking, but I woke up in the middle of the night not knowing who I was or where I was. It was terrifying. I got up and went to the bathroom, and realized I didn't know the name of the person in my bed (my husband!). I started panicking and thinking I was having an aneurysm or something. It took a good 5 minutes before I was fully back to normal. My husband was super nice and calmed me down. I looked it up later and found out it's not that uncommon. They call it "confusional arousal" or "sleep drunkenness". I'm sure mine was caused by all the drugs I had been taking for the surgery, my chronic lack of sleep and anxiety.

I'm so thankful to have an amazing husband though, otherwise I would have ended up in the ER like five times since the surgery... He talked me off that ledge several times :P

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